Strategic Additions are critical to our design approach for adaptive reuse projects as they allow us to create synergetic additions to enhance and transform the existing conditions. Stitching, Expanding and Enveloping are the three strategies we use.
Stitching, as a strategy allow us to connect multiple buildings to function as one.
Bridges added in between these two existing buildings at each floor enable spatial continuity. The two buildings can function now as one with the functional flexibility of a larger footprint.
The Portal Structure added in the open space between the two buildings provide weather protection to pedestrian bridges and create an iconic entry point for both buildings. The identical buildings flanking either side of the portal create a sense of spatial symmetry to the entire assembly. What used to be two disconnected structures before, now become a coherent architectural presence.
Expanding, as a strategy allow us to augment a potent quality of an existing condition and transform it to its full potential. The double height entry, in this existing office lobby, is expanded to create a performance space for an educational facility.
This project proposes a grand staircase with stepped seating that plugs into the existing double height space. A video wall is integrated on the far side, to enable presentations and displays as part of school’s virtual curriculum.
Image © Efficiency Lab for ArchitectureEnveloping, as a strategy allows to create a full or partial weather protection to transform and enhance the existing functional and visual conditions.
The top deck of the existing parking structure on this project is partially converted to a sports-court. Aligning with the +60-foot-long span bay of the structure below, the heavy timber roof structure creates an environmental protection for the basketball court.